What is the significance of a funeral service?

From the beginning of recorded history, societies have created ceremonies to honor those who have died. In the beginning, the purpose of the ritual was to send the deceased on his or her journey into the afterlife. Today, however, many experts agree that the benefits of a service are for those who remain behind. Coming to terms with the loss is important to help survivors adjust and recognize that a death has occurred. A funeral service provides the opportunity for friends and family to celebrate the life that was lived and allows the healing process to begin.

Additionally, there are there other aspects that are makes a funeral service significant.  

    A.  Emotional - A funeral allows us to “let go” of our emotions and face the reality of death.  It allows family and friends to share memories of a loved one, to laugh and cry together and provide support each other’s grief.

    B. Social - A funeral is a social event that acknowledges life.  It is also a historical event that should be shared, so that family and friends can support each other.

    c.  Spiritual  -  A funeral helps us realize that material things don’t really matter as money can’t but the most precious gift of all, that of life.  A funeral gives expression to love and allows faith to be shown.